... about now, for later

Take two

this time around

i’m doing my best to spend time producing work i let marinate.

ideas that have soaked up my intuition,

my goals, my dream, and my apprehensions.

making myself stop to consider:

are these words something i intend to manifest within the walls of some future classroom?

i still kick a ball around;

it’s what keeps me fresh.

a clean slate, after a few hours on the pitch on a cool, winter evening

attacking, expressing, supporting, defending,

my goal:

treat class like a team:


form relationships,

and build each other up.

to create,

like in the beautiful game,

where a result—

a product—

is less important than the effort

the struggle,

the process, in which all students engage

1 Comment

  1. drecorry

    I love this piece of reflection. Thanks Kevin.

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